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我们的合作伙伴,Tahora酒庄,成立于1793年,位于葡萄牙的历史产酒区莫拉/阿连特茹,该地区为葡萄的生长提供了理想的气候与土壤条件。该地区还是鸟类和其他动物的自然庇护所。该酒庄不仅致力于生产好的葡萄酒,还努力保护和维护该地区的自然环境。(中国进出口网) Our company is well linked with high reputable and serious Companies, Buyer, importer, Producer and Seller. We can guarantee a perfect and professional service for all your demands. Established in 1793,Tahora winery (Our partner) is located in the historical wine region of Moura / Alentejo with ideal climate and soil, it is as well a natural sanctuary for birds and other animals. The family is not only dedicated to producing the best wine possible, but it strives to protect and maintain the natural surroundings of the place. [详细介绍/Details] |